Enrolment options

Unit code 104737

Office hours for students Gianni Viardo Vercelli: In attendance: by appointment via e-mail at the DIBRIS (office TA.10, Villa Bonino - Mezzanine floor) in Viale Francesco Causa 13, Genoa
or at the 3DLabFactory (room T.008, Palazzina Lagorio, ground floor), Campus di Savona, Via A. Magliotto 2, Savona

Remote call: by appointment via e-mail at gianni.vercelli@unige.it

During the  semester the teacher will be available at the end of the planned activities, always by appointment, except impediments.

Lesson starts: https://corsi.unige.it/10635/p/studenti-orario

Course description, location, aims and contents, exam description and further information

Self enrolment (Student)
Self enrolment (Student)